My 2023 In Review


Every year I recap all the creative steps and stuff I’ve done in the previous year. Here is my 2023.

NB: Less differing projects hit compared to last year’s and even less competitions (I’ve basically given up on all but the big ones and the free ones). But lots of positive moves. And after doing a full year in review across all aspects a la Tim Ferris, I think this was in retrospect a great year in terms of progression.

Roundup of my year of creating things and helping others to create things:

DirectingCue To CueRan the crowdfunding for the shortEarned over £4K
DirectingCue To CueDirected and edited the short
Writing/DirectingCue To CueWrote and directed a series of shorts for the crowdfunding process
DirectingThe Devil Is In the DetailsDirected and edited the short
DirectingThe Seal Of DisapprovalHad my short graded at Outpost
WritingThe ForgeHired to write a feature script
WritingATIC ShowHired to write a TV script
WritingATIC ShowHired to convert TV script into comic book
WritingThe Plutoneon ShoreHired to write a feature script
WritingHorror ComedyWrote first draft of a feature script
WritingAlone, StillWrote a short
WritingWrote a few micro shorts
WritingWrote a few pieces of content for my blog and for pitches
WritingWriters room to develop and outline x3 horror feature scripts
WritingLoadsMore ideas
ProducingPrick Tease1st AD and exec producer on a short
ProducingConsulted on x3 TV pilots
ProducingConsulted on x5 short scripts
ProducingConsulted on x2 feature films
OtherScript coverage for production companies
OtherOrganised x4 filmmakers meet up events
OtherResearched various subjects for multiple documentaries for Dan Hartley
OtherDeveloped website for screenwriter collective
OtherThe Opinionated Writers PodcastStarted a film podcast
ActingBlack SherifExtra in a music video
ActingPrick TeaseExtra in a short film
ActingThe Devil Is In the DetailsExtra in a short film
ActingRaindance Secrets of Screen Acting course
DirectingRaindance Directing Screen Actors course
CompetitionSir Horace Ové GrantWon a grant to attend filmmaking classes and apply to comps
CompetitionOppenheim-John Downes Memorial TrustWon a grant to buy filmmaking kit
CompetitionThe Untold Tale of Morgan BerkeleyTSL Screenwriting contestQuarterfinalist

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